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NAAS Journal
International Journal of Biology Sciences

Vol. 4, Issue 2, Part B (2022)

Morphometric characteristics, sexual dimorphic characters, length-weight relationship and feeding behavior of Chitala chitala from river Indus, Punjab, Pakistan


Sehrish Ashraf, Khizar Samiullah, Riffat Yasin, Shah Zaib, Irish Atiq, Inayat Ullah Malik, Rana Mehroz Fazal, Muhammad Amjad Bashir and Kashif Hussain


Chitala chitala commonly known as clown fish is an important fresh water fish found worldwide. A study on the morphometric characteristics, length-weight relationship and feeding habit from stomach and gut analysis of C. chitala was conducted on 32 specimens collected from different zones of River Indus, Pakistan during the month of January and April. These samples were examined in Fisheries lab, Zoology department, Ghazi University, Dera Ghazi Khan. Various external and internal morphometric characters were studied to know their correlation with reference to size (TL and W). Correlation coefficient (r) value (0.98) showed high significant relationship between total length and wet weight, while growth pattern was near to isometric as value of ‘b’ being 2.86. The interrelationship of total length to the eye diameter (0.63), length of dorsal fin (0.44), pectoral fin length (0.69), pre orbital length (0.59), IOD (0.36), DFB(0.53), PFB (0.47) show poor correlation to total length (p>0.05). All other external parameters are highly significant to the total length (p<0.05). In internal morphometry, relationship of GL, LW, StW were highly significant (p<0.05). The composition of food content revealed the major food items were small sized fishes, mollusk, insect, and crustaceans. This is the first study on the feeding habit of C. chitala and conclude that C. chitala is a carnivore species that is under pressure of food and its status is near threatened. It is recommended to conduct further studies on length-weight relationships and feeding behavior of threatened and commercially important fish C. chitala for management and conservation of populations in natural water bodies.

Pages: 125-131  |  744 Views  268 Downloads

International Journal of Biology Sciences
How to cite this article:
Sehrish Ashraf, Khizar Samiullah, Riffat Yasin, Shah Zaib, Irish Atiq, Inayat Ullah Malik, Rana Mehroz Fazal, Muhammad Amjad Bashir and Kashif Hussain. Morphometric characteristics, sexual dimorphic characters, length-weight relationship and feeding behavior of Chitala chitala from river Indus, Punjab, Pakistan. Int. J. Biol. Sci. 2022;4(2):125-131. DOI: 10.33545/26649926.2022.v4.i2b.90
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