Muhammad Zainuddin, Delianis Pringgenies and Tatas HP Brotosudarmo
Shrimp is one of Indonesia's fishery export commodities, which has provided a large enough foreign exchange income for the country. Shrimp cultivation has decreased production due to several problems. The problems of shrimp farming include slow growth, damage to the pond environment, and the presence of infectious diseases. The solution to the problem currently being carried out is through the application of probiotics. This study aims to isolate and screen lactic acid bacteria that produce bacteriocins that have potential as probiotics. The study conducted a sampling of shrimp in Karium Java. Subsequently, shrimp gut LAB was isolated and bacteriocin activity was tested. research has succeeded in isolating lactic acid bacteria with bacteriocin-producing isolates k15 and k28 which were identified as Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactococcus garviae. isolates k15 and k28 had optimal growth in culture conditions using C source glucose 0.01%, ammonium nitrate 0.05%, media pH 8 and salinity 30 ppt.
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