Dr. Girish R, Swathi N, Shruthi HR and Ravi CS
The present investigation was undertaken to find the impact of weather factors on seasonal incidence of sucking pest of black pepper under field conditions during 2017-18 & 2018-19. The incidence of root Mealybug population 5.36 and 6.93 colonies per 15 cm root length was observed during 2017-18 & 2018-19, respectively, with an average population of 6.14. the incidence was noticed throughout the year and reached peak by 40th standard week (18.80 & 8.10 mealy bug colonies/15cm root length) (i.e. October & November) confirming the infestation during post rainy season coinciding drier months with relative humidity (84%) in soil favouring the pest population and lowest population in March (2.40). The per cent infestation of pepper vines ranged from 21 to 48 per cent with an average per cent damage of 31.79%. There was a strong positive correlation was observed between rainfall, relative humidity, maximum temperature and root mealy bug population.
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