Godwin Asibor and Funso Adeniyi
Occurrence and distribution of zooplankton community in Asejire reservoir was carried out between April 2017 and March 2018 to ascertain the critical association between zooplankton and physicochemical parameters of the water. A total of 130 taxa were recorded comprising of six taxonomic groups (Rotifera, Copepoda, Cladocera, Protozoa, Ostracoda and Insecta). The zooplankton in the reservoir follows a sequence as Rotifera > Copepoda > Cladocera > Protozoa > Ostracoda > Insecta. Zooplankton abundance was higher in the rainy season compared to the dry season. Correlation was drawn between the different physicochemical parameters and zooplankton occurrence. Zooplankton population showed a positive correlation with conductivity, transparency, total dissolved solids, dissolved oxygen and sulphate, whereas negative correlation with pH, temperature, turbidity, biological oxygen demand, phosphate, nitrate and chloride. Observed changes in the zooplankton community structure were related to seasonal fluctuations in water conductivity, pH, transparency, total dissolved solids and turbidity of the water. Elevated levels in water transparency, dissolved oxygen and nutrients such as phosphate indicate favorable conditions for the growth of zooplankton. Turbidity, biological oxygen demand and increased pH has a negative effect on the zooplankton abundance.
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