Debeb Dessie
Human beings can get protein-rich foods from animal as by product (milk, meat, and eggs), to fulfill their nutritional requirements, and the quality and nature of this animal origin food may be directly or indirectly associated with the health human that consumed this animal origin food. “Veterinary drug” means any substance or mixture of substances that are essential for treatment of diseased animal (as therapeutic purpose), prevention of diseases (prophylaxis), modification of physiological functions (such as tranquilizers, anesthetic drugs), improvement of growth and productivity (growth promoters) as well as for ensuring food safety or restoring, correcting or modifying any physical, mental or organic function in an animal. However, the benefits of drug utilization to farm animals used for food production are also accompanied by the risks associated with drug residues in the edible parts of treated animals. The drug itself and their metabolites left over in the body after their administration for longer time are termed as residues. Residues are defined as chemical substances or metabolites of medicinal products that may accumulate within the tissues or edible parts of treated animals. These residues may result from failure to observe the proper withholding period following treatment, failure to maintain treatment records, overdose, or using prohibited drugs for economic animal treatment. Age of animal, disease statues, Extra-label drug use and Improper Withdrawal Time are the major risk factor for drug residues. The major potential effect of veterinary drug residues on public health are development of drug resistance, hypersensitive reaction, mutagenicity, carcinogenic disruption of intestinal micro flora and microbial drug resistance. Drug residue control and prevention responsible organs not only lie on within a governmental agency; rather the responsibility must be shared by all responsible bodies which includes, the government, producers, animal health practitioner and academicians, marketing associations, livestock producers, farmers and other interested parties, who must strive for both healthy and efficiently grown animals as well as a safe food supply. Proper maintenance of treatment records and identification of treated animals; institute a workable health record for each animal to record all health related events, including administration of medication, this for all about mentioned above points are the way of prevention and control strategies of drug residues.
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